Moat Metrics helps in-house IP teams, through its proprietary AI platform Innovation Alpha™, make better informed decisions on portfolio development and management, competitor benchmarking, licensing/monetization strategies, and infringement risk mitigation (both organic and adjacent third-party risk).
Innovation Alpha™ identifies the products and underlying technologies for every public and private company and maps the world's patents onto these products and underlying technologies.
Innovation Alpha™ provides critical decision-making intelligence for important use cases in minutes of analysis, providing high quality results and driving down costs.
Innovation Alpha™ is an AI platform designed to discover products of innovative public and private companies and map patents (claims) onto the products.
•Strategically assess products, technologies, and IP moats and benchmark against competitors
•Identify and quantify IP risks, including those introduced by third-party vendors
•Build Détente books for competitors and peers
•Develop monetization strategies and cross-licensing plans for competitors and peers
•Identify key patent assets by scope, validity, value, and product coverage
•Deliver critical insights faster and significantly reduce analysis time and expense (including OC fees)
•Platform broadly covers all public and private companies that offer product or have registered IP
Assess your IP Portfolio's quality, coverage, and resilience—like evaluating a property’s size, layout, and condition.
Maps patents to actual products and technologies, using workflows that compare all patents against every company product.
Evaluates the soft intangibles like leadership and inventors’ expertise, tracking their ability to build and succeed with an IP-rich company.
Discover who's battling for innovation supremacy in your technology space. Our real-time competitor tracker reveals every company with skin in the game through their intellectual property holdings.
Sign up for the chance to get early access and be the first to experience next generation business intelligence.
Offer is for commercial access only – asset managers, investment firms, and journalists please. If you are interested in a retail access account please sign up for our waitlist here: Innovation Alpha for Retail Investors.
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